
Water4Africa – Gambia

With an ever-changing climate and droughts becoming more frequent, access to clean drinking water is a growing problem for many communities in Africa. This is why we setup the Water4Africa project as we believe everyone should have access to safe and clean water. We have been working in The Gambia to make this a reality […]

Indonesia Earthquake and Tsunami Relief

Indonesia – Earthquake and Tsunami Relief A powerful earthquake ( 7.5 magnitude ) struck off the coast of Sulawesi, Indonesia, creating a tsunami which devastated the areas of Palu and Dongalla. Khalsa Aid International was one of the first NGO on the ground. Khalsa Aid worked closely with the local population to ensure the aid […]

Kerala Floods Relief

Kerala-India Floods Relief More than one million people were left homeless or trapped after the southern Indian state of Kerala saw its worst flooding in more than 90 years. Many water treatment plants were forced to cease pumping water, resulting in poor access to clean water, especially in northern districts. Khalsa Aid responded rapidly in […]

Congolese (DRC) Refugee Response

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is currently experiencing one of the world’s most underreported refugee emergencies. Khalsa Aid International first visited the region in January 2018, following reports of up to a million Congolese men, women and children fleeing their homes, seeking safety in neighbouring countries. Photo credit Aron Klein Khalsa Aid International initiated […]

Life changing aid for Syrian refugees with disabilities

 Lebanon is host to 1.5 million Syrian refugees – more per capita than any other country in the world. Khalsa Aid International carried out further assessment to understand how we can best utilise our funds; one of our key projects has been to provide mobility aids for disabled refugees of all ages. In collaboration with […]

Syrian refugee emergency relief

Turkey is one of the largest refugee-hosting countries in the world, and its southern city of Adana is one of the many cities seeing a huge influx of refugees fleeing the war in Syria. In January 2017 Khalsa Aid International assessed the needs of these refugees living in unofficial camps scattered across the region. Khalsa […]

Project Dignity: Essential Clothing for Yezidi women, ex slaves of ISIS

Northern Iraq is home to the Yezidi community, one of the most vulnerable religious groups in the world. In 2014 ISIS targeted the Yezidis, killing the men, taking young boys as child soldiers and enslaving women and girls. Since 2016 Khalsa Aid International has been working with Yezidi girls and women who have returned from […]

Lebanon: Refugee support

As the conflict in Syria escalated many Syrians crossed the border into Lebanon to seek refuge. In 2014, Khalsa Aid dispatched a relief team to Lebanon to support refugees in Beirut and Bekaa valley. The team have been working closely with local organisations to support refugees in the region. Khalsa Aid have been providing the […]

Haiti Earthquake (2010)

The devastating 2010 earthquake in Haiti left 220,000 people dead, destroyed 50% of the schools and adversely affected over 3,500,000 people. In 2010, Khalsa Aid partnered with United Haitians in the UK (UHUK) to provide much needed humanitarian aid in the region. During this time Khalsa Aid also established an official operation centre from a […]