PURE – Punjab Underprivileged Rural Empowerment
These children are sponsored by Khalsa Aid, they are encouraged to attend school and also Gurbani classes twice a week.The children come from very underprivileged backgrounds and areas of severe depravation.There is ever present threat of the children being lured into the dark world of drugs and amphetamines by individual dealers and various cults. Khalsa Aid aims to engage whole families of these children in drugs awareness programmes as there is wide spread drugs and alcohol abuse in rural Panjab.There will be huge emphasis on providing stability within the family unit,which includes Khalsa Aid providing the family medical care.We are able to provide the children with education etc due to the generosty of the Sangat, so please continue to donate so that we may contiune to provide. The choice is yours to make, support these children or see them become the next generation of illiterate drug addicts!!