Ravi Singh, Founder and CEO of Khalsa Aid, was presented the ‘International Sensation’ Award in Vancouver last night at Darpan magazine’s Extraordinary Achievement Awards 2017.

The accolade recognises his accomplishments as an individual to enhance lives on a global scale.Darpan magazine, a Canadian publication for the South Asian community, also invited Ravi Singh as the guest of honour and keynote speaker at the event.

Accepting the award, Singh said: “I am truly touched to be presented this award and accept it on behalf of the entire Khalsa Aid team, volunteers and supporters – without their dedicated and committed backing we would not have been able to achieve what we have in the last 18 years. Thank you to each and every one.

“We have always put the ideology of welfare for all at the core of everything we do and it’s this principle in Sikhi that drives us. It’s a much needed belief in the world today when we look at the atrocities mankind is carrying out against itself. Just this week our India team is at the border of Bangladesh and Myanmar giving aid to the Rohingya Muslims being killed and driven out of their homeland.

“But organisations like us exist because there is still a genuine will in people to do well and whenever we are faced with such dark times, I am truly heartened that the support is there in abundance. And that’s what matters – which we are there for each other as human beings and look after one another.

Since setting up the non-profit aid and relief organisation in 1999, Ravi Singh has helped provide aid to victims of natural disasters, wars and other tragic events. He has travelled to the front-line around the world including Kosovo, Syria, Congo, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, as well as help communities closer to home in the UK during the floods in Somerset and the more recent tragedy at Grenfell Tower, London.

From the entire team at Khalsa Aid, we’d like to give our warmest congratulations to our CEO.

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