Khalsa Aid Middle East Projects

Khalsa Aid has delivered food, blankets, clothes and water to over 150 Yezidi refugee families. Many of these families have had their family members kidnapped by ISIS. We are planning a joint long term project with Khalsa Aid to assist the Yezidi refugees. Falah Murad Khan, Shakarm WADI, Iraq Project Coordinator Khalsa Aid has come in as a lifeline by partnering with Mona Relief to distribute critical food aid which has provided over 250,000 meals in a war zone. Dr Riaz S Karim, Co Founder, Mona Relief, Yemen Khalsa Aid has helped us with food, school furniture, school books, firewood and many other items for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon since 2014. Thank you Khalsa Aid. Rouba Mhaissen, Director, SAWA For Aid and Development, Lebanon