Huddersfield Attack on refugee Syrian boy

We are deeply saddened to hear of the recent attack on the young Syrian boy in Huddersfield, we note this latest incident is not an isolated incident and there have been ongoing reports of the children of this refugee Syrian family being subjected to bullying at school.

Any form of bullying is unacceptable in any circumstance, however this incident is further distressing considering the torment this family have already suffered, it is upsetting to see they have received such hostility after seeking safety and solace in the UK.

As a Sikh faith based global Humanitarian aid organisation, we have worked extensively with all communities and faiths in need, we have witnessed first-hand the trauma, upheaval and distress refugee families have endured. At a time when compassion and humanity is needed the most it is heart-breaking to see such hostility.

Children living in relatively safe environments are often unable to appreciate the hardships and trauma that families and children fleeing their homes and country have faced.

We as an organisation have worked with many schools across the UK to educate children from all walks of life on such issues and give children a greater understanding of hardships faced by others particularly children of refugee families.

We extend our support to the family of these children and staff at Almondbury school. An offer to deliver assemblies and workshops to the children at the school has been made, to improve the understanding amongst the school community on the suffering of such families and what we as a collective community can do to assist those in need.