Grenfell Tower Relief

We have been on site since the morning of the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower offering support and aid to the residents who fled from their homes that night, with no possessions other than the clothes they were wearing.

Khalsa Aid team member, Satnam Othee, was the first on the scene and we immediately provided water, snacks and sanitary items. Thanks to local businesses and support from the community we have also been able to supply hot food on site.

Khalsa Aid General Secretary, Bal K Sandhu, who is also a Diabetes clinician with the local NHS trust, assisted people with their diabetes medications and care, on the morning of the fire.

The amount of aid and support has been phenomenal and currently all the relief centres are inundated with clothes, food, toys, toiletries for the families. If you would like to make donations, please check updates online before heading to the area. We have set-up a Facebook page Grenfell tower relief coordination which provides the latest info.

Thank you once again for your generosity and overwhelming response to help the families who are now left with nothing. Our team will work with the local relief centres to continue monitoring what further help they require.