Free Food Project, Nepal

Khalsa Aid has been providing free hot meals (Langar) to the victims of the Nepal earthquake. KA is the only organisation in Kathmandu providing hot nutritious vegetarian dishes and is working alongside the local army to distribute food effectively to all those that need it the most.

Since food distribution began it is estimated that over 90,000 hot meals have been provided to victims of the Nepal earthquake.

‘The need for warm nutritious meals for the people of Nepal is great. Before our relief operations began people were receiving water and biscuits, which in our view wasn’t a sustainable solution. Leveraging over 16 years of field experience we immediately setup food operations’ Ravi Singh, CEO, Khalsa Aid

‘Local Nepal communities have told us that the free hot meals provided by our teams have been extremely important for them. Our breakfast and dinner schedules have provided a degree of normality during these difficult times and has also created a sense of community where people can sit and enjoy hot meals together.’ Bal Sandhu, General Secretary, Khalsa Aid

Khalsa Aid is currently working within international nutrition clusters with organisations such as UNICEF, Save the Children and World Vision to deliver coordinated and effective aid.